As another follow up to one of my previous posts of Capturing packets from a Ruckus AP you will probably get an error stating that Wireshark “Can’t get list of interfaces: is the server properly installed on x.x.x.x?” I am not sure if this happens on all operating systems, but I have had this happen while using Windows 10. Normally this isn’t a big deal, but these will show up for each device you have connected to in the past and over time you can accumulate quite a few. The solution I have found is to edit the “Recent_common” file […]
MoreMonthly Archives: October 2020
Modifying the Wall Measurements in Ekahau
Following up on my previous post about Measuring Wall Attenuation, I figured I would show how I take these measurements and make them applicable. There are 2 ways to do this, the first requires you to modify an XML file that gets overwritten every time Ekahau is updated or reinstalled. The second, and the better way I feel, is to create a new project file and build this project to be used as a template. Matt Starling from the WiFi Ninjas does a great video tutorial on this: lets get started, first open up Ekahau and view the existing […]
MoreUsing A Ruckus AP to capture packets – Part 2
After publishing my last article, I was informed that these steps did not work for some AP models on the firmware I was running (, thinking that I had tested this beforehand I set out to find out where I was wrong, and sure enough on the 802.11ax APs that I tested these settings did not work. Well, they worked but there weren’t any packets streaming to Wireshark. Wondering what could be different, I set out to find my answer, I wasn’t sure if these steps didn’t work from just the Web GUI or also the CLI. I SSHed into […]
MoreUsing a Ruckus AP to capture packets
As a wireless professional packet captures have become a big piece in finding solutions to problems, I recall hearing many times pcaps or it didn’t happen, my preferred method would be to gather these from the client or as close to the client as possible, but not always can you be everywhere at once when the issues occur. As a good alternative at times, I will gather the pcaps from the AP that the clients are connecting to. Lucky for me I have found 2 ways to achieve this using Ruckus APs. By using a SmartZone Controller or SSHing into […]